4-Hour EPA Lead Renovator Refresher – Spanish

This course is offered in English and Spanish.

This course meets the EPA refresher training requirements for persons performing renovations in pre-1978 housing and child-occupied facilities. Refresher training is required every 5 years. Students review lead-safe work practices and performing acceptance testing. AMA provides a certificate for each student upon successful completion of the course.

Click here to register:

4-Hour Mold Remediation Supervisor Refresher

This course meets the refresher training requirements for the DC DOEE Mold Remediation Professional (Supervisor) discipline. It is targeted towards contractor supervisory personnel who provide oversight and management of microbial remediation projects. The course will cover the 24-hour DOEE course topics with emphasis on current relevant mold remediation industry work practices and standards.

This course is ideal for all maintenance and custodial staff.

Click here to register for courses in Hanover, MD:


4-Hour Mold Inspection and Assessment Refresher

This course meets the refresher training requirements for the DC DOEE Mold Assessment Professional discipline. It addresses the procedures, protocols, and equipment involved in inspecting and assessing a building for microbial growth. The course will cover the 24-hour DOEE course topics with emphasis on current relevant mold assessment industry work practices and standards.

Click here to register for courses in Hanover, MD:


OSHA provides guide to comply with new silica rule

OSHA has published a small entity compliance guide to assist small businesses within the construction industry with the new Crystalline Silica Rule.  The Rule went into effect on June 23, 2016 and the Construction Industry compliance date is June 23, 2017.

Key provisions of the new rule are:

  • Reduces the permissible exposure limit (PEL) for respirable crystalline silica to 50 micrograms per cubic meter of air (50µg/m3), averaged over an 8-hour shift.
  • Requires employers to:
    • Use engineering controls to limit worker exposure to the PEL
    • Provide respirators when engineering controls cannot adequately limit exposure;
    • Limit worker access to high exposure areas
    • Develop a written exposure control plan
    • Offer medical exams to highly exposed workers
    • Train workers on silica risks and how to limit exposures
  • Provides medical exams to monitor highly exposed workers and gives them information about their lung health.
  • Provides flexibility to help employers – especially small businesses – protect workers from silica exposures.

A link to OSHA’s Small Entity Compliance Guide is https://www.osha.gov/Publications/OSHA3902.pdf

If you have questions about complying with the new standard, are interested in training your workforce or need exposure monitoring or lab analysis, please complete the form on the “Contact” tab on top right side of our website.

2-Hour Mold Awareness

This 2-hour awareness course will cover the following topics: Introduction to Mold, Health Concerns Due to Exposure, Growth Conditions, Mold Sources and Pathways, Building Systems (HVAC, Building materials, crawl spaces, attics, site drainage), Testing and Inspection Procedures, Remediation Techniques, Project Set Up, Equipment, Use of Biocides and Disinfectants and EPA Guidelines. An AMA certificate is provided for each student upon successful completion of the course.

This course is ideal for all maintenance and custodial staff.

Click here to register for courses in Hanover, MD:

Confined Spaces in Construction

On May 4, 2015, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) published 20140205-5062 CS Picturea final rule and new standard for construction work in confined spaces. 29 CFR 1926.1200 Subpart AA (Confined Spaces in Construction) is now aligned with those protections found in the General Industry standard. All construction employers, whose workers may be exposed to confined space hazards, are affected by the rule. Additionally, all employers must have a written confined space program if workers will enter permit spaces. The rule goes into effect August 5, 2015.

The U.S. Secretary of Labor, Thomas E. Perez, indicated in a statement that “[the rule] will prevent about 780 serious injuries every year”.

There are 5 key differences to the Construction Confined Space regulation:

  1. More detailed provisions requiring coordinated activities when there are multiple employers at the worksite. This will ensure hazards are not introduced into a confined space by workers performing tasks outside of the space.
  2. Requiring a competent person to evaluate the work site and identify confined spaces, including permit spaces.
  3. Requiring continuous atmospheric monitoring whenever possible.
  4. Requiring continuous monitoring of engulfment hazards (e.g. when workers are performing work in a storm sewer).
  5. Allowing for the suspension of a permit, instead of cancellation, in the event of changes from the entry conditions list on the permit or an unexpected event requiring evacuation of the space. The space must be returned to the entry conditions listed on the permit before re-entry.

OSHA has also added provisions to the Confined Spaces in Construction rule that clarify existing requirements in the General Industry Standard, including:

  • Requiring that employers who direct workers to enter a space without using a complete permit system, prevent workers’ exposure to physical hazards through elimination of the hazard or isolation methods such as lockout/tagout.
  • Requiring that employers who are relying on local emergency services for emergency services arrange for the responders to give the employer advanced notice if they will be unable to respond for a period of time.
  • Requiring employers to provide training in a language and vocabulary that the worker understands.

OSHA will also treat compliance with this new rule as compliance with the general industry confined spaces rule when one or more employers are engaged in both general industry work and construction work at the same time in the same space.

OSHA can assess a maximum penalty of $7,000 for each serious violation/failure to comply with the new rule and $70,000 for a willful or repeated violation.

AMA’s 8-Hour OSHA Confined Space Course is compliant with Confined Spaces in Construction AND General Industry Confined Space.

REMINDER: Maryland Lead Law Compliance

On January 1, 2015, all Maryland residential rental dwelling units built prior to 1978 must be in compliance with Title 6, Subtitle 8 of the Environmental Article, Annotated Code of Maryland (Maryland’s “Lead Law”). Currently, compliance is required for residential rental dwelling units built prior to 1950. Affected properties that “opted out” of the previous requirement can no longer do so. According to the EPA, 24% of homes built between 1960 and 1978 are likely to contain lead-based paint.

In order to be in compliance, Owners of affected properties must:

  • Register with MDE;
  • Distribute Notice of Tenant Rights and Protect your Family for Lead in Your Home brochures and a copy of the current inspection certificate upon start of tenancy and every two years;
  • Meet MDE’s Lead Risk Reduction Standard;
  • Utilize MDE trained and accredited workers, supervisors and contractors to perform work.

Properties exempt from the Act:

  • Hotel, motel or similar seasonal/transient facility;
  • Properties that have been tested and issued a Lead Free or Limited Lead Free certificate.

Ebola Preparedness

Preparedness is defined by Webster’s Dictionary as “the fact of being ready for something; the state of being prepared”. Past issues of The Monitor have addressed many facets of preparedness, through disaster plans to preparedness in the home.

With this year’s Ebola outbreak in West Africa and the several cases that were recently treated in the United States, AMA feels compelled to share web links in order for our environmental, health and safety community to be better informed and better prepared in the event there is a rise in Ebola cases here in the United States.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) continue to update guidance documents on their websites. As researchers, scientists and medical professionals begin to learn more about this deadly virus, we can expect ongoing updates to practices and procedures for those protecting themselves from Ebola.

To keep up to date visit:

CDC website at http://www.cdc.gov/vhf/ebola/ and,
OSHA website at https://www.osha.gov/SLTC/ebola/ and,
WHO (World Health Organization) http://www.who.int/csr/disease/ebola/en/

Remember: the better educated, informed and prepared an organization is for any type of crisis, the more effective that organization will be should a crisis occur.

4-Hour EPA Lead Renovator Refresher

This course is offered in English and Spanish.

This course meets the EPA refresher training requirements for persons performing renovations in pre-1978 housing and child-occupied facilities. Refresher training is required every 5 years. Students review lead-safe work practices and performing acceptance testing. AMA provides a certificate for each student upon successful completion of the course.

Click here to register for morning courses:

Click here to register for afternoon courses:

Training courses start at 8:30am.