4-Hour EPA Asbestos Management Planner Refresher

This annual refresher course is for individuals that have a current EPA AHERA inspector/management planner accreditation. Individuals with inspector/management planner accreditation must take both the inspector and management planner refresher.

Click here to register for courses in Hanover, MD and Fairfax, VA:

EPA RRP Rule Enforcement Actions

The EPA recently announced enforcement actions to contractors found to be non-compliant with the EPA’s Lead Renovation, Repair and Painting (RRP) Rule. Settlements were reached between May 2013 and January 2014. There were seventeen (17) contractors that did not obtain the mandatory RRP certification prior to performing renovation activities on pre-1978 homes. Twenty-one (21) settlements were for violations dealing with contractors that did not follow required lead-safe work practices. Additionally, three (3) settlements involved general contractors failing to ensure that their subcontractors followed the RRP standards. The enforcement actions led to civil penalties in excess of $274,000.

4-Hour Manlifts

This course is offered in English and Spanish.

This course meets the training requirements of 29 CFR 1910.66, which applies to individuals who operate powered platforms, manlifts, and vehicle mounted work platforms while performing interior or exterior building maintenance. Topics include recognizing safety hazards and appropriate preventative measures, personal fall arrest system inspection care and use, and procedures for the operation, safe use, and inspection of working platforms. AMA provides a certificate and pocket ID card for each student upon successful completion of the course.

Call 410-684-3327 for more information and/or to schedule a course for your group.

1-Day EPA Lead Renovator – Spanish

This course is offered in English and Spanish.

This course will meet the EPA training requirements for persons performing renovations in pre-1978 housing and child-care facilities. Students that complete the course will become Certified Renovators and know how to perform all work using lead-safe work practices. Students will also learn how to perform acceptance testing for their work. Refresher training and re-certification is required every 5 years. AMA provides a certificate for each student upon successful completion of the course.

Click here to register for courses in Hanover, MD:

1-Day Lead Abatement Worker Refresher – Spanish

This course is offered in English and Spanish.

This refresher course for certified Lead Abatement Workers is required every 2 years in Maryland and the District of Columbia. It is required every 3 years in other States. AMA provides a certificate and photo ID card for each student upon successful completion of the course.

Click here to register for courses in Hanover, MD:

2-Day Lead Abatement Worker – Spanish

This course is offered in English and Spanish.

This course is required for lead workers who are employed by contractors performing lead abatement projects.  It is also the required training course for individuals who will work on lead paint maintenance and repainting projects performed in residential rental properties located in Maryland.

This course meets EPA, VA, DC, and Maryland training requirements for lead abatement workers. AMA provides a certificate and photo ID card for each student upon successful completion of the course.


1-Day EPA Asbestos Worker Refresher – Spanish

This course is offered in English and Spanish.

This refresher course is required annually to maintain a person’s abatement worker certification.  This course meets the AHERA, ASHARA and TSCA Title II Accreditation for asbestos workers. The course updates local, state and federal regulations with emphasis on the skills and knowledge needed to properly perform asbestos abatement operations.  Topics covered in the 4-day course are also reviewed. An AMA certificate is provided for each student upon successful completion of the course.  Oral examinations are available upon request.

Click here to register for courses in Hanover, MD:

8-hour Confined Space Entry (Spanish)

This Confined Space training course meets the requirements of 29 CFR 1926 Subpart AA (Construction) and 29 CFR 1910.146 (General Industry) for Permit-required Confined Spaces. Students completing the course will be proficient in functioning as authorized entrants, attendants, and entry supervisors in permit-required confined space entry operations. They will acquire the understanding, knowledge, and skills to safely perform their assigned confined space duties. Each student will also receive basic training in performing non-entry rescue.

Subject matter covered in this course includes:

  • The Confined Space OSHA regulation requirements for Construction and General Industry.
  • Classification of confined spaces as permit-required, non permit-required, or alternative procedure spaces.
  • Roles and responsibilities of Entrants, Attendants, Entry Supervisors, and Contractors.
  • Respiratory protection.
  • Identification and isolation of hazardous energy (Lockout/Tagout).
  • Atmospheric monitoring requirements and instrumentation.
  • Completion of the Entry Permit.
  • Confined space ventilation.
  • Non-entry rescue utilizing a tripod and other retrieval methods.
  • Confined Space Entry Program.
  • Confined space-related terminology.
  • Personal Protective Equipment.
  • Practical exercise utilizing retrieval device.

Note: This course is not intended for entry rescue operations.

AMA provides a certificate and pocket ID card for each student upon successful completion of the course.

Call 410-684-3327 for more information and/or to schedule a course for your group.

4-Hour Excavations/Trenching

Excavation, trenching and below-ground construction are among the most hazardous operations.  This course will teach students the OSHA regulatory requirements (1926.650-652) and safe work practices.  Course topics include soil mechanics, shoring procedures, sloping, benching, and trench shields. AMA provides a certificate and pocket ID card for each student upon successful completion of the course.

Call 410-684-3327 for more information and/or to schedule a course for your group.

8-Hour D.C. Lead-Dust Sampling Technician

This course meets the training certification requirements for the District of Columbia Lead-Dust Sampling Technician. The D.C. Lead Dust Sampling Technician certification allows those individuals who own, operate and/or renovate pre-1978 constructed homes and rental properties to perform requisite dust sampling in the District of Columbia.

The course teaches individuals how to conduct Renovation Permit, Change in Occupancy and Interim Controls lead dust sampling under the District of Columbia’s provision of Section 13 of the Lead-Hazard Prevention and Elimination Act of 2008, as amended. This course is designed to be taught over an 8-hour time period with 2 hours devoted to hands-on training. An AMA certificate of completion is provided for each student upon successful completion of the course.


Training courses start at 8:30am.