Course Description

3-Day Microbial Remediation Supervisor

This course is targeted towards contractor supervisory personnel who provide oversight and management of microbial remediation projects. This is also ideal training for general contractors, facility owners, and consultants who need to be knowledgeable of the details and principles of mold remediation. Hands-on activities include mold remediation site setup, mold removal methods, cleaning techniques, drying methodologies and job acceptance criteria. AMA provides a certificate and pocket ID card for each student upon successful completion of the course.

The course will conclude with a written examination. Successful completion of this course is recognized by the District Department of Energy and Environment (DC DOEE) for application for licensure.


1-Day EPA Lead Renovator

This course is offered in English and Spanish.

This course will meet the EPA training requirements for persons performing renovations in pre-1978 housing and child-care facilities. Students that complete the course will become Certified Renovators and know how to perform all work using lead-safe work practices. Students will also learn how to perform acceptance testing for their work. Refresher training and re-certification is required every 5 years. AMA provides a certificate for each student upon successful completion of the course.

Click here to register for courses in Hanover, MD and Fairfax, VA:

Click here to register for courses in Newport News, VA:

1-Day EPA Lead Dust Sampling Technician

This course meets the training certification requirements for the EPA/HUD. The course teaches individuals how to conduct non-abatement lead dust clearance testing under the EPA’s Renovation, Repair and Painting Rule (RRP) and clearance examinations under HUD’s Lead Safe Housing Rule (LSHR). This course is designed to be taught over an 8-hour time period with 2 hours devoted to hands-on training. An EPA photo certificate will be issued for each student upon successful completion of the course.


4-Hour OSHA Lead in Construction

This course covers the OSHA Lead in Construction standard (29 CFR 1926.62) with Maryland Amendments and includes respiratory protection training.  All supervisors and workers performing construction, demolition, renovation and remodeling activities, where lead may be disturbed, are required to take this course. AMA provides a certificate and pocket ID card for each student upon successful completion of the course.

Call 410-684-3327 for more information and/or to schedule a course for your group.

1-Day Maryland Visual Inspector Refresher

Individuals accredited by Maryland Department of the Environment as lead paint visual inspectors must take this course every 2 years in order to renew their accreditation. AMA provides a certificate and photo ID card for each student upon successful completion of the course.

Click here to register for courses in Hanover, MD and Fairfax, VA:

Click here to register for virtual courses:

2-Day Maryland Visual Inspector

This course meets Maryland training requirements for individuals who will perform dust wipe sampling and visual inspections of residential rental properties to determine compliance with Maryland Lead Risk Reduction requirements. AMA provides a certificate and photo ID card for each student upon successful completion of the course.


1-Day Lead Risk Assessor Refresher

This refresher course for individuals currently certified as Lead Risk Assessor is required every 2 years in Maryland and the District of Columbia. It is required every 3 years in other States. AMA provides a certificate and photo ID card for each student upon successful completion of the course.

Click here to register for courses in Hanover, MD and Fairfax, VA:

Click here to register for virtual courses:

2-Day Lead Risk Assessor

The 3-day Lead Inspector Technician is a prerequisite for this course.

This course meets EPA, DC, VA and MD training requirements and is required for individuals who, in addition to performing lead paint inspections, will investigate target housing and child-occupied facilities for lead hazards and recommend control options. This course also meets Maryland training requirements for the Visual Inspector. This course is ideal for individuals who wish to perform inspections for lead contaminated dust, visual inspections, and lead-based paint inspections in Maryland rental properties.AMA provides a certificate and photo ID card for each student upon successful completion of the course.


1-Day Lead Inspector Technician Refresher

This refresher course for individuals currently certified as Lead Inspectors is required every 2 years in Maryland and the District of Columbia. It is required every 3 years in other States.  AMA provides a certificate and photo ID card for each student upon successful completion of the course.

Click here to register for courses in Hanover, MD and Fairfax, VA:

Click here to register for virtual courses:

3-Day Lead Inspector Technician

This course meets EPA, DC, VA and MD training requirements for individuals who will perform testing to determine the presence of lead-based paint, lead in dust, and lead in soil in target housing and child-occupied facilities.  Maryland regulations require this course for individuals issuing “Lead-Free” or “Limited-Lead Free” inspection certificates, and for individuals performing lead paint testing in any residential, public, or commercial building.  This course is the pre-requisite for the Lead Risk Assessor training.  AMA provides a certificate and photo ID card for each student upon successful completion of the course.
