
1-Day Lead Project Designer

The 4-Day Lead Abatement Supervisor course is the prerequisite for this course.

This initial course is required for individuals who will design large-scale abatement projects (10 or more units) performed in target housing.  This course meets EPA, VA, DC, and Maryland training requirements for project designers. AMA provides a certificate and photo ID card for each student upon successful completion of the course.


1-Day Lead Abatement Supervisor Refresher

This refresher course is required every 2 years for DC requirements and Maryland-accredited S2 Supervisors, and every 3 years to meet VA, and/or EPA requirements for Lead Abatement Supervisors. AMA provides a certificate and photo ID card for each student upon successful completion of the course.

Click here to register for courses in Hanover, MD and Fairfax, VA:

Click here to register for virtual courses:

4-Day Lead Abatement Supervisor

This course is required for individuals who will supervise lead abatement projects performed in target housing and/or child-occupied facilities. This course meets EPA, Virginia, DC, and Maryland training requirements for S2 supervisors, and is a pre-requisite for the Lead Project Designer course.  This course also meets the training requirements for individuals who will perform lead risk reduction treatments in Maryland residential rental properties. AMA provides a certificate and photo ID card for each student upon successful completion of the course.

Cick here to register for courses in Hanover, MD and Fairfax, VA:

2-Hour Lead Awareness

This course is offered in English and Spanish.

This course is for all individuals who work in areas where they may contact lead-based paint (LBP).  It is designed to provide the “basics” on LBP hazards in buildings. This course provides the minimum level of training necessary to make individuals mindful of the sources of LBP and lead dust hazards.  An AMA certificate is provided for each student upon successful completion of the course.

Call 410-684-3327 for more information and/or to schedule a course for your group.

8-Hour OSHA Class II Asbestos Floor Tile

This course is offered in English and Spanish.

This course is for individuals who remove flooring materials in such a manner that does not break floor tiles or involve ripping up resilient flooring. The resilient floor covering institute’s work practices are explained and practiced with hands-on demonstrations. An AMA certificate is provided for each student upon successful completion of the course.

Call 410-684-3327 for more information and/or to schedule a course for your group.

8-Hour OSHA Class II Korduct

This course is offered in English and Spanish.

This course meets OSHA’s employee information and training requirement for work with asbestos-containing korduct. This course addresses the use of respirators, PPE and emphasizes OSHA’s required work practices with hands-on instruction. An AMA certificate is provided for each student upon successful completion of the course.

Call 410-684-3327 for more information and/or to schedule a course for your group.

8-Hour OSHA Class II Roofing Removal

This course is offered in English and Spanish.

This course meets OSHA’s employee information and training requirement for work with asbestos-containing roofing materials. This course addresses the use of respirators, PPE and emphasizes OSHA’s required work practices with hands-on instruction. An AMA certificate is provided for each student upon successful completion of the course.

Call 410-684-3327 for more information and/or to schedule a course for your group.

1-Day Virginia Project Monitor Refresher

This refresher course reviews the material covered in the 2-day initial Project Monitor program and is an annual requirement for anyone holding Virginia and Delaware Project Monitor accreditation.  Topics include air-sampling techniques, analytical methods, and Federal and State regulatory updates. An AMA certificate is provided for each student upon successful completion of the course.

Click here to register for courses in Hanover, MD and Fairfax, VA:

2-Day Virginia Project Monitor

Students must complete either the 5-Day AHERA Supervisor or 3-Day AHERA Project Designer course as a prerequisite.

This initial course is for persons performing air monitoring and final air sampling on asbestos abatement jobs in the Commonwealth of Virginia. This training is required on NESHAP-sized projects in an occupied building; a building intended to be occupied at completion of project or whenever the building owner deems necessary.   This initial course is also recognized by the State of Delaware. An AMA certificate is provided for each student upon successful completion of the course.

Click here to register for courses in Hanover, MD and Fairfax, VA: