8-Hour D.C. Lead-Dust Sampling Technician

This course meets the training certification requirements for the District of Columbia Lead-Dust Sampling Technician. The D.C. Lead Dust Sampling Technician certification allows those individuals who own, operate and/or renovate pre-1978 constructed homes and rental properties to perform requisite dust sampling in the District of Columbia.

The course teaches individuals how to conduct Renovation Permit, Change in Occupancy and Interim Controls lead dust sampling under the District of Columbia’s provision of Section 13 of the Lead-Hazard Prevention and Elimination Act of 2008, as amended. This course is designed to be taught over an 8-hour time period with 2 hours devoted to hands-on training. An AMA certificate of completion is provided for each student upon successful completion of the course.


Training courses start at 8:30am.